Women's Full Body Strength and Conditioning Workout for 6 Weeks

Women's Full Body Strength and Conditioning Workout for 6 Weeks

In a short amount of time, this circuit-style workout will help you burn calories and feel stronger. Try this 3-day full-body workout to gain lean muscle quickly!

Workout Description

It's always convenient to be able to handle two tasks at once. Life doesn't work that way, but it can work for training. Many women, for example, are looking for ways to train to become stronger and leaner.

While this program will not help you win a powerlifting competition or a physique competition, it will help you burn a lot of calories in a short period while also making you stronger.

The following program will run for six weeks, three times a week. You can schedule it on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, or take two days off between sessions. The only requirement is that you do not train on consecutive days. Recovery is just as important as training, and doing this routine for three days in a row will wear you out quickly, which isn't good if strength and conditioning are important.

Can You Do Other Workouts?

If you have a hectic schedule, this program should be sufficient to help you achieve your goals. You should be fine if you add light cardio, such as walks or average effort on a cardio machine like an elliptical. Adding another weight training regimen on top of this is not advised because it may increase the risk of injury.

What You Need

This program's exercises are all either free weight movements or bodyweight exercises. As a result, you can do this at home or at the gym. You'll need two pairs of dumbbells, one heavy, and one light depending on your strength level.

You can use adjustable dumbbells if that's all you have. Just keep in mind that adjusting them will take time, which may extend the duration of this session. If that is an issue, go to your local sporting goods store and pick up a light pair of weights to work with.

If you enjoy music, listen to it through headphones or your home stereo. Make sure it's upbeat and will keep you moving if you get tired, which you will most likely do by the end of this. Water, a towel, and an exercise mat are also useful to have on hand.

Nutrition and Meal Timing

Do not attempt this on an empty stomach. Fasted cardio sessions like walking or moderate-effort bike rides are fine, but this one is much more intense. Calories will be required to fuel the muscles for the upcoming work. As a result, eat a meal an hour before your workout.

So, what are you eating? The first option is to use a protein source. It can be whole food or a shake, but make sure to get enough in your pre-workout meal. Nuts or peanut butter are also good sources of fat. Some of you may be following a low-carb or keto diet. Carbohydrates aren't strictly necessary, but fruit like a banana or a salad would be beneficial if your program allows it. Make sure you're also properly hydrated. Before you train, drink at least 20 ounces of water.

Warming Up

Don't dive in right away. Warm up by going for a quick walk or doing some light cardio for about ten minutes. After that, stretch your entire body for a few minutes. Begin at the feet and work your way up until all of the major muscle groups have been addressed. You're now ready to get started.

The Program

During this session, you will train all of the major muscle groups. The majority of them have two exercises. The first movement will help you focus on strength. These are the exercises with ten repetitions. These will be done with heavier weights and ten reps.

Take your time lowering the weight or performing the negative, and maintain control when performing the lifting portion of the positive portion of the rep.

Once you've completed the tenth rep, switch weights as quickly as possible so you can begin the second exercise in the pairing. These are done for a total of 20 reps. From start to finish, you'll perform approximately 250 reps.

For these movements, use lighter weights. This is where training comes into play. Attempting to use the same weights for all exercises will not help you. Concentrate on completing all 20 reps as quickly and safely as possible. For instance, when performing squat jumps. Get back into position quickly after landing so you can perform the next jump.

A Note on Planks

Planks will be mentioned at various points throughout the program. This is not a mistake. The plank is an excellent exercise for increasing stability and core strength. It can also be used to assist you in catching your breath. It's fine if you have to do these with your knees on the floor. Do them in the traditional position if you can.

The plank is the workout's final exercise. You can do this for 30 seconds, but here's an additional challenge if you think you can handle it. Take it until it fails completely or for two minutes, whichever comes first. If you make it to the end of that two minutes, you'll know you've had a great session. If you don't, record your time and try to beat it the next time. Even if you only beat it by one second, that is still progress and momentum that can carry you through to the next workout.

Take a Break When Needed

If you're a beginner or have never done circuit training before, there's a good chance you'll push yourself to the point where you're breathing heavily and want to take a quick break. Do it! The goal is for you to train hard, but not to push yourself so far that something goes wrong. If you get to an exercise and begin to doubt your ability to complete it properly, take a minute to sip water and catch your breath.

Ways to Track Progress

How can you tell if you're improving? There are several methods for measuring your progress. First, consider your strength. Do you think the weights you used in the first workout feel lighter now? Congratulations, you're becoming stronger.

You may discover that by the end of the sixth week, you are capable of doing more. That means your conditioning is improving as well. Isn't that the goal? Of course, there are other metrics to consider, such as weight loss, body composition, clothing fit, and so on. Find the methods that will motivate you the most while not beating yourself up if the result isn't what you want. Don't rely solely on the scale.

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